• Instrument Landing System (ILS) Runway 16
Aviation Alliance, Inc. (AAI) determined the siting and performed the design of an instrument landing system to improve all-weather landing capabilities of Runway 16 at this airport on the Pacific coast. Components and AAI's work were as follows: 1. Localizer (LOC); 2. Glide slope (GS); 3. Review consultation on medium intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator lights (MALSR) [MALSR deleted because of budget limitations]; 4. Middle Marker (MM); 5. Outer Marker (OM); 6. Upgrade AWOS I to AWOS III [deleted because of budget limitations]. AAI investigated all sites and prepared the preliminary engineering report technical analysis. Special features were the adjacent mountainous terrain and road to land-locked private property in the glide slope first Fresnel zone. The City performed its own resident project representation.
Later, as a special service to the City, AAI reviewed the status of construction and determined methodology by which punch list items could be satisfactorily completed by the contractor. AAI was on-site during this work and preliminary recorded flight check by AAI indicated that the system would commission.